Morena e te whānau,
I just wanted to confirm that school is open today!
I hope you have kept warm and dry! Details for the rest of the week are below:
- 9.50 start for Impact Projects
- Face-to-face learning for all non-isolating students
- Online learning provided for isolating students
- Teachers cleared to return to school to teach face-to-face
- Teachers isolating teach online from home (their classes will be supported by another teacher in school as well)
- School closed all day Thursday. PPTA Auckland Regional Strike just confirmed for Thursday 11 May. This means the school will be closed.
- Face-to-face learning for all non-isolating students
- Online learning provided for isolating students
- Teachers cleared to return to school to teach face-to-face
- Teachers isolating teach online from home (their classes will be supported by another teacher in school as well)
Thank you once again. We look forward to resuming “business as usual” next week.
Nga mihi