
ASHS UPDATE – Mānawatia a Matariki and Acting Principal for Term Three 

ASHS UPDATE – Mānawatia a Matariki and Acting Principal for Term Three 

Albany Senior High School
School Newsletter
Nurture. Inspire. Empower.

Mānawatia a Matariki

and Acting Principal for Term Three 


Kia ora e te whānau,

Just a quick newsletter to say Mānawatia a Matariki, and to let you know that I will be away on a TeachNZ Principal’s Sabbatical for the duration of Term Three. 

Mānawatia a Matariki!

This morning marked the inaugural Matariki Dawn Celebration at ASHS. It was a beautiful celebration where students, staff and whānau came together to remember loved ones and looked to the new year as one. I would to acknowledge and thank Rashida, Trish, Karen, Cristina, Matua Rod (from AJHS), and all of the fabulous akonga from both ASHS and AJHS who camped out here over night to prepare for the ceremony and prepared some delicious kai.

Acting Principal for Term Three 2024

As I will be away on my sabbatical for the duration of Term Three, Hamish Chalmers will be stepping up to be Acting Principal throughout the term. This has also created the opportunity for Sally van Praag to be Acting Deputy Principal and Rachael Ouwejan will take on the role of Specialist Learning Leader for Mathmatics. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my board and leadership team for their support, I take leave knowing that I am leaving ASHS in excellent hands! I look forward to returning to school in Term Four refreshed and ready to celebrate our young people and in time to get stuck into our strategic planning for 2025. 

SchoolDocs – Term 2 reviews now open!

This term we are reviewing policies in the Employer Responsibility Policy section, focusing on policies and procedures about appointment and employment. We’ll continue to review the rest of the section in term 3. 

Key review topics:

  • Employer Responsibility Policy (board)
  • Appointment Procedure (board)
    (also see subtopics)
  • Equal Employment Opportunities
  • Teacher Relief Cover
    (you may have an older version called Employ a Reliever)
  • Safety Checking
  • Police Vetting
  • Classroom Release Time / Timetable (board)
    (this topic name will differ depending on your school type)

You can also review other topics that have a “Start your review” button.

As always the school community is encouraged to read the policies and submit feedback. 
Go to 
Our username is “ashs” and password “policies”. 

Nga mihi 


Claire Amos
Principal | Tumuaki
Albany Senior High School
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