
ASHS UPDATE – Student and Whānau Information 2023 / Term 4 workshops & study leave process

ASHS UPDATE – Student and Whānau Information 2023 / Term 4 workshops & study leave process

Albany Senior High School
School Newsletter
Nurture. Inspire. Empower.

Student and Whānau Information 2023

Term 4 workshops & study leave process


Kia ora students and whānau,

Thank you for your support over the last three terms and an extra thank you to those who joined us on Wednesday night – what a great event!

The following information is provided to give you some certainty and clarity about what the rest of 2023 will look like at Albany Senior High School. As always, we are committed to delivering a plan that provides a balanced focus on academic achievement and student wellbeing. 

ASHS is committed to nurturing, inspiring and empowering our young people.

General guidelines

  • Regular timetable continues until Tuesday 31st October.
  • Week 2 is “spirit week” for our Year 13s only!
  • Wednesdays Week 2 – 4 is a normal school day for ALL students, teachers will use this time to run extra targeted support as needed. 
  • Tutors will work with each student to set their priorities for the workshop days.
  • An NZBlood Drive will be held on Friday 13th October in the theatre from 9am-2pm (see earlier newsletter).
  • From Monday 6th November teachers remain available as per their timetable up until the end of Friday 10 November to support students as needed. 
  • After Week 5 teachers may organise onsite support as needed. Students work with individual teachers to organise this.

2023 Sports Celebrations

Tuesday 10th October at 6.30pm.

We are holding this event on campus in the Theatre.

We will host all the players and whanau who will be acknowledged with an award and invitations will be sent to them directly.

NCEA Examinations 

At ASHS we acknowledge that attending an exam may compound student anxiety. We will support each of our learners to make a decision about exams that supports both their academic plan and their wellbeing. 

NCEA Exams will be running as normal this year on campus. 

Many of our students are completing digital exams this year. Their teachers have been through the process in class however the information from NZQA can be accessed here. 

Signing Out for Study Leave 2023

Tutor teachers will indicate via an email home that their tutorial students have met their learning goal and are now signed out. This can occur on Tuesday, Week 4.

If you have any questions regarding your young person’s academic plan and when they will most likely be signed out for study leave please talk to your young person and/or contact their tutor. 

  • Students who have met their learning goals will be signed out at the end of Week 4 Term 4.
  • Students who are yet to meet their learning goals by the end end of Week 4 will be invited back to complete any necessary internal assessments. 
  • Beyond week 5, Year 13s/school leavers who need internal standards to gain University Entrance can come in or work online with teachers to complete their final pieces of work. 

Special Tutorial for school leavers

On Thursday 2nd November there will be a special Tutorial held to acknowledge and celebrate our Year 13 students and any school leavers. This is in P1 in tutorial class time.

Year 13 may depart after this event concludes.

2023 Prizegiving and Learning Celebrations

Year 11 and Year 12

Thursday 2nd November 

11am – Year 11  Learning Celebration

1.30pm – Year 12 Learning Celebration 

We are holding this event on campus in the Theatre.

We will be in contact with all of our prizewinners who will be acknowledged with an award – invitations will be sent to them directly.

Year 13 Graduation

Friday 3rd November 

10am – Year 13  Premier Learning Celebration & Year 13 Graduation

The location of this event is TBC.

We will be in contact with all of our Year 13’s and prizewinners who will be acknowledged with an award – invitations will be sent to them directly.

All of these end-of-year events will be streamed live on the ASHS Facebook pages and all winners will be acknowledged with a post on the school website and social media.

Nga mihi 


Claire Amos
Principal | Tumuaki
Albany Senior High School
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