Kia ora e te whānau,
Today the campus is closed, however there is one more week of school for our Year 11s! The last day of classes for Year 11 is Friday 18th November. NCEA Exams continue at Massey University. Thank you to our family and whānau for continuing t ensure our young people attend school every day!

Last chance for out of zone enrolments!
If you or anyone you know has a young person planning to join ASHS next year, please get them to enrol here:
Note – any out of zone (OOZ) enrolments must be completed 5th December. All OOZ enrolments completed by that date are guaranteed a spot at ASHS. No OOZ enrolments accepted after that date. Please spread the word!
Important dates in Term Four
Friday 11th November – Midterm Break (school closed)
Friday 18th November – Year 11s finish
Saturday 3rd December – School ball for Year 13
2023 start of year dates
Tuesday 7th February – Year 13 only (first day)
Wednesday 8th February – Year 12 only (first day)
Thursday 9th February – Year 11 only (first day)
Friday 10th February – Community day (all levels at school)
Monday 13th February – Normal timetable commences

Ongoing Bus Bay Disruption!
Building works are required in this bus bay area. Scaffolding is now erected n the bus bay and will remain in place for approximately six months. This means the bus lane will be restricted to one lane only and there will be NO PARKING AVAILABLE in this area. Please use Level One carpark for any pick up and parking. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

School Holiday dates for 2022 and 2023 –
Nga mihi