Kia ora e te whānau,
Thanks again for your ongoing support during these disrupted times. We appreciate your prompt notifications about any positive test results or student self-isolating. Hopefully all of our young people learning from home are able to access everything they need via their Google Classrooms.
Thanks again to our teachers who are working so hard to ensure hybrid learning is being delivered consistently to support learners both at school and at home.
Learning from Home Day – Tuesday 15th March
Due to a range of factors, including increased staff absences due to self-isolation requirements, we are having a Learning from Home Day next Tuesday. Students are asked to remain at home and to continue with their learning via their Google Classrooms. Their teachers will work with students to ensure they are clear about what work needs to be prioritised.
We have been very lucky to have not had more disruption to our teaching capacity to date. Please note that we are working hard to avoid having to ever move to remote learning and that we will only resort to working from home when no other option is available. If your young person needs to borrow a Chromebook for the day please remind them to get it issued to them on Monday.
ASHS BYOD Programme
All students are encouraged to take part in the ASHS ‘Bring Your Own Device’ scheme so as to integrate their learning both inside and outside of school and to take advantage of the information and collaborative opportunities the world wide web and access to technology provides.
The device might be a laptop or a Chromebook – any Internet-capable
device with a keyboard that can assist learning. A mobile phone is not an
appropriate device to be used as a learning tool in all contexts, it may supplement another device. If the student has a device that is serving him/her well then there is no expectation that a new device is purchased through this programme at this time. The programme simplifies the process for those needing to purchase a replacement device or a new device.
To browse all available options and place your BYOD Order:
Username: albanysenior
Password: ashsbyod
Please find below two updates from the Auckland Transport Metro Bus Team.
Possible Bus Cancellations
Tāmaki Makaurau is at the red setting of the COVID-19 Protection Framework.
As Omicron spreads, many bus operators are experiencing staff shortages and service cancellations across bus, train, and ferry services.
Although Auckland Transport is working hard to update cancellations in our systems, there may be some occasions when these are last-minute and can’t be communicated in time. We recommend checking service updates on the AT Mobile app, Live Departures, or on digital signs at stops and stations.
We are trying our best to make school bus services our priority and run most school bus services to a regular timetable. However, we are expecting to see last-minute cancellations due to the spread of Omicron in the community. Although we’re working hard to update cancellations in our systems, there may be some occasions when these are last-minute and can’t be communicated in time. If any of your bus services do not arrive on time, please liaise with the students, and request them to find or use alternative transport options. We apologise for any inconvenience this might cause.
Feedback needed on new bus service proposal
Auckland Transport (AT) needs feedback from Albany Senior High School students and families on a proposal for a new bus service that would affect our community.
The 864 would connect Browns Bay, Browns Bay Road, Rosedale Station, Rosedale Road, Albany Highway and Albany Village. Albany Senior High School would have a new connection with the Northern Busway at Rosedale Station, and a direct connection with Browns Bay for the first time. (Rosedale Station is a new Northern Busway station, planned to open in 2025.)
The 864 would run 7 days a week – every 15 minutes at peak commuting times and every 30 minutes at other times. Monday to Friday, buses would run from 5:30am until 11:30pm.
More information about this proposal and other proposed changes for some North Shore bus services is available on the AT website.
You can give your feedback to AT using their online survey, or you can use the ReplyPaid paper survey that will be delivered to every address in the affected area this week. Feedback is open until Sunday 3 April 2022.
There will be in-person and online public information sessions – visit the AT website for details.

Nga mihi