Kia ora e te whānau,
Changes to the ASHS pick up area and bus lane rules!

With Ritchies now using a double decker bus we are having to reinforce the no cars in the bus bay rule. Under the resource consent and AT designation – the two lanes are dedicated and designated bus lanes. We are now enforcing this.
The Level One car park is the designated area for pickups and drop offs.
Cars can still park in the outer bus bay between the hours of 9am and 2.30pm.
Updated ASHS Kiwi Schools App now available
If you would like to access the school newsletter and report absences via our handy app, please download or update the ASHS Kiwi Schools App. Go to the App/Play store and update the app to get the most out of the latest functionality. An update should be all that is required, but if people are still facing any issues then they should uninstall and reinstall the app.
Here is a QR code to access the app.
Nga mihi