Kia ora e te whānau,
Reminders for Week Two below!
If your young person usually catch a bus can you please complete the bus register below!
Bus Register for Weeks Two and Three
Also can you please ensure your young person has read the plan and particularly ensuring they understand the following.
All students have the option of staying home and continuing their learning online over the next two weeks.
If they do wish to/need to come in to school they can only come in on the following days:
- 26th – 27th October – Year 13 only may come in to school
- 28th – 29th October – Year 12 only may come in to school
- 1st – 2nd November – Year 11 only may come into school
- Year 13s may be invited in on other days for practical subject workshops as arranged with teachers
- Learning Support students may be invited in on other days as well
- 3rd November onwards – Further information will be shared next week about how students can access onsite targetted support and workshops
Week Two timetable

It’s all in the doc below! Please read carefully and make sure your young person understands the options available – thank you!!
Link to the plan for Week Two and Three
Once again, please rest assured that all staff at Albany Senior High School are working towards being fully vaccinated and all staff onsite will be required to return a negative test before returning to school. We will also ensure we have safety measures in place such as mandatory mask wearing, regular hand and surface cleaning, increased ventilation and as much social distancing as possible.
Until then…