ASHS TV – Episode 2 | Learning from Home
Kia ora whānau
I hope the first day of Level Four Lockdown is going okay. Below is the second episode of ASHS TV which focuses on what learning from home looks like at ASHS. Please also ensure your young person has read the Learning from Home document below as this tells them everything they need to know about how to continuine their learning on line. Note that there are scheduled Google Meetings for Tutor and Specialist Subjects tomorrow and Friday. Please support your oung person to attend all Google Meetings and to engage with their Google Classrooms every day!

Link to ASHS TV Episode 2 | Learning from home
Read the instructions below to see how to engage with your learning!!
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with your (or your young person’s) Tutor teacher to make a plan if learning from home is a challenge in any way.
Getting devices and resources from school – at present this is not possible under Level Four lockdown conditions. However if your young person needs a device please email Klaris at and we will arrange a device as soon as we can!
And remember…
Be kind.
Stay safe.
Stay home.
Wear a mask if going out!
We got this team!!
Nga mihi
Claire Amos
Principal | Tumuaki
Albany Senior High School
Claire Amos
Principal | Tumuaki
Albany Senior High School