Welcome to Term Three!
Kia ora whanau,
I just wanted to send a warm welcome to Term Three! We very much look forward to seeing our young people back in school tomorrow. I hope everyone managed to rest up a little and are refreshed and ready for Term Three. Below are the details for our upcoming open evening and enrolment information. If anyone in your family or anyone you know is planning to join us in 2022, please encourage them to enrol ASAP. Out of zone enrolments are also open but these will close in Term Four, so if you know anyone out of zone, do remind them to get in quick.
Please note the important dates for the term that are outlined below as well.
ASHS Open Evening – Thursday 5th August 6.00-8.30pm
Join us for the annual ASHS Open Evening! Find out more about how we deliver an innovative future focused secondary schooling experience that focuses on both academic and personal excellence!

ASHS 2022 Enrolments now open!
In zone and out of zone enrolments are now open. Please encourage anyone intending to join us in 2022 to enrol ASAP. They can enrol online at: https://www.ashs.school.nz/enrolment/

Important Dates for Term Three
Thursday 5th August – ASHS Open Evening
Tuesday 10th August – NCEA Teacher Only Day (School closed for students)
Tuesday 17th August and Thursday 19th August – 2022 Enrolment Evenings
25-26th August – Dance Showcase Evenings
8-10th September – School Musical | The Little Shop of Horrors
15-21st September – Prelim Exams and NCEA Workshops
Wednesday 29th September – Impact Project Showcase Evening
Nga mihi
Claire Amos
Principal | Tumuaki
Albany Senior High School