ASHS Update – Term Two, Week Seven 2021
Kia ora whanau,
A few important updates this week!

School Docs is coming!
We are about to have a change in our policy administration system. Albany Senior High School will be using SchoolDocs to maintain a comprehensive, up-to-date, set of policies and procedures. These policies and procedures follow guidelines and legislation and best practice, and have been tailored for our school.
All previously published versions of ASHS policies will be considered out of date after this change. Members of our school community will have access to SchoolDocs once we transition over to this system.
The Policies section on our public website will be updated to reflect the change.
It is anticipated that we will make this change in the coming week.

PLEASE Delete your old SchoolAppsNZ. Please install KAMAR!
We are NO LONGER using the app distributed by SchoolAppsNZ. If you are still using this app to send us absence notifications we will not receive them as this company is no longer contracted by ASHS.
Notify ASHS about an absence using a mobile device.
Kamar AppYou may wish to report an absence for your young person through the Kamar mobile application.
Download the KAMAR App on your iOS device from the iTunes store or on your Android device from the Google Play store.
iOS: Apps Store
Android: Google Play Store
For all information about how to access these two systems please click here.
2021 ASHS Enrolments open tomorrow!
In Zone and Out of Zone Enrolments for 2022 open on Monday 14 June 2021.
Open Evening is at 6pm on Thursday 5th August – save the date!
We can’t wait to meet you!

ASHS Student Whanau Wellbeing Evening 2021
6.00-7.30 pm
Thursday 1st July 2021
Albany Senior High School Theatre
Register your interest here:
Keynote – Andrew Cowie
Netsafe Education & Schools Team Manager
Habits of Mind in the Digital Space
In this keynote Andrew will discuss some of the ways young people can create the most optimal conditions to interact positively online. This includes applying the principles of deliberate practice, mindfulness, and understanding ways to identify, avoid, and prevent online bullying and unwanted contact.
Optional workshops will include:
- Career to where? Supporting your young person with their pathway beyond school.
- Getting moving. Supporting your young person with their physical well-being.
- Keeping safe online. Tools and strategies for supporting your teen online.
- Whanau Support Group for families with teenagers with mental health concerns.
Nga mihi
Claire Amos
Principal | Tumuaki
Albany Senior High School