Return to Level Two – see you all tomorrow!

Kia ora whanau,
Good news, we are back to school! We look forward to seeing our students back at school for business as usual tomorrow.
We will postpone the A+ Information Evening until a later date.
Thanks again for your fabulous support this week.
Please ensure your young person continue to take laptops and any equipment home so we can be prepared should things change in the future.
Education information at Alert Level 2
At Alert Level 2, early learning centres, schools, and tertiary education facilities are open for all age groups.
If an educational facility is connected to a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19, it legally must close temporarily, if advised by the public health unit, to allow for contact tracing.
Children or young people legally must stay home if they:
- are unwell
- have COVID-19 symptoms
- are self-isolating
- are waiting for the results of a COVID-19 test.
Distance learning will be available for any students not able to attend school due to the reasons above.
Children, young people, and teachers do not need to wear face coverings at school or on school transport.
Nga mihi
Tumuaki | Principal
Albany Senior High School