Kia ora whanau,
Welcome to the 2021 school year. We look forward to seeing everyone next week. We recognise that recent events will have made some nervous, but I would like to assure you that school is open for business and should we experience a lockdown at any point in 2021, ASHS are very much prepared for taking learning online. Our results from 2020 were excellent and a testament to how effectively we were able to move between face to face and online teaching.
Next week we will send out an invite to all new family and whanau to join us for the A+ Excellence Evening where we will share all the information you might need to know about teaching, learning and assessment here at ASHS. Also, make sure you sign up to our ASHS Facebook Page. We also have the ASHS Kiwi Schools App which we encourage all families to download for easy updates and communication with the school. Just go to your app store of choice and search for KiwiSchools Connect and select Albany Senior High School.
Last year we have said farewell to the following staff members; Nikky Bain, Sandy Dunlop, Hitomi Furniss, Alicia Haysom, Myung-suk Kim, Liz Lee, Tricia Wilce and Madison Wilson. Lloyd Gutteridge has taken up a year long role with the AUT Business School. Hamish Chalmers continues on leave until term three and Debbie Mansell and Debbie McClurg continue on maternity leave for 2021.
We look forward to welcoming Katherine Mathis back from maternity leave and Nikky Bain will continue working with us as an Impact Project Mentor on Wednesdays.
In 2021 we will be welcoming to our school:
- Evie Aitcheson – Japanese and ESOL teacher
- Jitesh Prasad – Business teacher
- Samuel Sheriff – English / Social Anthropology teacher
- Christine Graham – SENCO
If students would like to change their 2021 Courses we have set up the following times where they can come in to the school to discuss their options:
- Wednesday 3 February 2021 12.30-1.30pm (Year 13 only)
- Thursday 4 February 2021 12.30-1.30pm (Year 12 only)
- Friday 5 February 2021 Morning tea and lunchtime (Year 11 only)
This year we will continue with the staggered start dates for each year level to allow each year group individual time with their tutor teachers and all their subject teachers.
- Year 13 Only – Wednesday 3 February 2021 ready for a 9:00 am start. Students will be able to leave at 12:15 pm if their course for 2021 is confirmed.
- Year 12 Only – Thursday 4 February 2021 ready for a 9:00 am start. Students will be able to leave at 12:15 if their course for 2021 is confirmed.
- Year 11 Only – Friday 5 February 2021 ready for a 9:00 am Powhiri. This new year level will be welcomed on to the school with a Powhiri and we welcome family and friends who would like to share this occasion with their Year 11 student. Students will be staying for the whole day.
- Waitangi Day Observation – Monday 8 February 2021 – Public Holiday
- Community Day – whole school – Tuesday 9 February 2021
- Impact Project Tasters – whole school – Wednesday 10 February 2021
- Normal timetable – whole school – Tuesday 9 February 2021 ready for a 9:00 am start.
NB. Please note that our school cafe will be open for morning tea on Wednesday 3 February and Thursday 4 February and all day on Friday 5 February 2021
This year we will continue to have a slightly shorter school day on a Wednesday. This year we have moved to having a late start and the school day ending at 3.10pm. This will not impact on buses as they will continue to run at the normal times. The building, cafe and library will be open for our students from 8.00am, we encourage them to make the most of the facilities before Impact Projects kick off at 9.50am.

Click here to see our Stationery list. This list is a guide only as senior students have more say on how they organise their course notes for the year. It would be advisable to delay purchasing stationery until students have confirmed their courses in the first three days of school in 2021. During these three days, they will also meet with their subject teachers where they will have the opportunity to finalise any stationery requirements.
For all information about the buses that service Albany Senior High School, please visit the AT Website.
We look forward to another extraordinary year at Albany Senior High School.
Ngā mihi