Notification Covid19 Positive Result or Isolation

Please use our Google form at to notify the school of your young person’s positive result or the need for them to isolate as a household contact.(Click ‘Read more’ for the live link)  We will adjust their attendance based on this data.

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Announcement : 

Welcome back to 2025..  Classes have now commenced for all students.  You can check the timetable in the attendance section of the Portal.



Nau mai, haere mai,
ki te kura matua
o Albany

Principal's Welcome

We will ALWAYS be a new school.

Principal's Welcome

We will ALWAYS be a new school.

Impact Projects

Our response to the key competencies with the New Zealand Curriculum document.
Students are required to develop a project based on their own strength and passions.

What If your contribution is the
key ingredient?

Impact Projects

Our response to the key competencies with the New Zealand Curriculum document.
Students are required to develop a project based on their own strength and passions.

What If your contribution is the
key ingredient?


We recognise the need for every student to have an adult who knows them well, and who can get to know the families well. We talk about the ‘holy trinity’ – Family / Student / Tutor relationship, and how important these are to ‘educationally powerful connections and relationships’ that will make a difference for the students.

What it looks like

Every teacher in has a Tutorial class.

Students tutor each other.

100 minutes, twice a week.

15/ 16 Students per tutorial

Tutor is available to advocate for the student.

No-one slips though the cracks.


We recognise the need for every student to have an adult who knows them well, and who can get to know the families well. We talk about the ‘holy trinity’ – Family / Student / Tutor relationship, and how important these are to ‘educationally powerful connections and relationships’ that will make a difference for the students.

No-one slips though the cracks.

What it looks like

Every teacher in has a Tutorial class.

Students tutor each other.

100 minutes, twice a week.

15/ 16 Students per tutorial

Tutor is available to advocate for the student.


Become the expert you need to be.

We describe the subjects as “Specialist” subjects because this is the time in the week when the students are taught explicitly the skills, knowledge and dispositions required to function fully in the specialist discipline areas. e.g. How do you investigate as a Mathematician or an artist? How do you become a scientist?

It’s not IF you are bright, it’s HOW you are bright.


Become the expert you need to be.

We describe the subjects as “Specialist” subjects because this is the time in the week when the students are taught explicitly the skills, knowledge and dispositions required to function fully in the specialist discipline areas. e.g. How do you investigate as a Mathematician or an artist? How do you become a scientist?

It’s not IF you are bright, it’s HOW you are bright.

Upcoming Events

Thursday, March 20

Whanau Food Truck Evening
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Wednesday, March 26

Board Hui
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Wednesday, April 2

Learning Dialogues - School finishes at 1:30 pm
1:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Tuesday, April 8

Learning Dialogues
3:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Friday, April 11

Term one Ends
All Day

Let’s have conversation that matter.

Let’s have conversation that matter.

Upcoming Events

Thursday, March 20

Whanau Food Truck Evening
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Wednesday, March 26

Board Hui
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Wednesday, April 2

Learning Dialogues - School finishes at 1:30 pm
1:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Tuesday, April 8

Learning Dialogues
3:30 pm – 8:30 pm